40 research outputs found

    Drug Management Reviews in District Drug Management Unit and General Hospital

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    Drug is one of the essential elements in healthcare that should be effectively and efficiently managed. Following the decentralization in 2001 in Indonesia, drug management has changed in district drug management units and also in District General Hospitals. Certainly this condition influences the sustainability of drug access in primary health care such as in Community Health Center and District General Hospital, especially in drug financing policy. A cross sectional descriptive study to obtain information on drug management in public healthcare in district had been carried out between July and December 2006 in 10 District Public Drug Management Units from 10 district health offices and 9 district general hospitals as samples. Data were collected by interviewing heads of Drug Section in District Health Offices and heads of Hospital Pharmacies using structured questionnaires and observing drug storage in District Drug Management Units, Community Health Centers, and Hospital Pharmacies. Results of the study show that drug planning in District Health Offices and General Hospitals did not meet the basic real need in some districts nor District Hospitals. The minimum health service standards had not been achieved yet. Furthermore, drug procurement, storage and recording as well as reporting was not good enough either, such as shown by the existence of expired drugs. Lead time for drug delivery to community health centers in some districts was longer than the average of lead time in the past 3 years

    Kepuasan Pasien Peserta Program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional Terhadap Pelayanan Kefarmasian Di Apotek

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    Pharmacy is a place where a pharmacist provides pharmaceutical services. To improve services, it is necessary to carry out an evaluation of patients\u27s or consumers\u27 satisfaction on pharmaceutical services.This research aimed to assess the satisfaction of the patients covered by national health insurance programme (JKN) and to find out the relationship of patients\u27 characteristics and their satisfaction. This research used a cross sectional survey design, conducted for patients visiting pharmacy to redeem the prescribed drug in Tangerang Selatan city, Serang district, Bekasi city, Bogor district, Yogyakarta city, Bantul district, Solo city, and Sragen district. The sample was 152 adult JKN patients chosen by accidental sampling. Data were collected using self assessment questionnaire analyzed using chi square analysis. This study found that the highest level of dimension of pharmaceutical services satisfaction was empathy and the lowest one was assurance, in term of the availability of drugs and the number of drugs that was covered by JKN scheme. Among 5 characteristics (i.e: age, sex, marriage status, education, and occupation), only occupation variable that had significant correlation with satisfaction. The pharmacy management should communicate with the JKN provider regarding the kinds of drugs covered and concern with the drugs availability in the pharmac

    Sarana Dan Prasarana Rumah Sakit Pemerintah Dalam Upaya Pencegahan Dan Pengendalian Infeksi Di Indonesia

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    Nosocomial infections is an important issue around the world. Hospitals are required to provide qualified, efficient and effective service to ensure patient safety. The Ministry of Health has revitalized prevention and control of infection program (PPI) in hospitals which is one of the cornerstones towards patient Safety. The purpose of this study is to identify the preparedness of hospitals to implement the PPI program. The data source is Health Facility Research of 2011 which was done by National Institute of Health Research and Development. The aspects examined include facility, infrastructure, human resource, organization, guidelines, compliance in prescribing, the availability of clean water and hospital sewage treatment. The results show that many hospitals are not yet ready to conduct PPI, especially in terms of infrastructure, clean water sterilization and processing waste, mostly hospitals of classes C and D. Sewage treatment is important in the control or prevention of spread of antimicrobial resistance. This program gives many benefits especially in preventing the occurrence of total resistance or back to the era before antibiotics. The PPI program does require a large fee such that hospital management often disapproves, although the result of available cost analysis indicates that PPI is highly cost-effective

    Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pemilihan Obat Atau Obat Tradisional Dalam Upaya Pengobatan Sendiri Di Pedesaan

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    Self-medication might potentially be an efficient self-help means for the community before getting the opportunity to reach the Primary health center. Information about the determinants of self-medication is needed to enhance community participation in self-medication. The cross sectional study has been carried out among a rural community in two villages of Subdistrict Tanjung Bintang, in the Southern part of Lampung province. The sample population consists of housewives, who had ever taken drug or traditional medicines within the last month prior to the interview. Respondents (320 housewives) were choosen by multistage random sampling based on the number of household, RT and RW. The variables are knowledge, attitude, distance, purpose (curative/preventive), reference, and drugs USAge or traditional medicines. Data were analized by Chi-square test and Logistic regression analysis. The results of the study are as follows : Modern drugs are used more frequently than traditional medicines. Most of the respondents obtained information about drugs from advertisement in television and radio program, and about traditional medicines from their neighbours. Most of the respondents know about brandname of drug to relieve headache, fever and cough, and traditional medicines to relieve diarrhoea and muscle pain. The determinants of self medication are purpose (curative/ preventive), attitude and distance

    Consumers' Perception in Pharmacy Services in Three Cities in Indonesia

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    Better health services have a strategic role and take part in public health improvement (Blum, 1974). Better quality of pharmacy service and pharmaceutical care may provide public needs and demands, ---which always change and increase, as well as reduce risks, and should be improved continually and be patient (consumer) oriented. To increase the quality of pharmacy service and pharmaceutical care, we need to know what the consumers’ impression about the pharmacy services they received currently and what the ideal pharmacy is according to consumers’ opinion. Consumer’s impression to pharmacy services in this survey is assessed, based on tangibles dimension (physical facilities, men power etc.), reliability and responsiveness of the services, assurance and empathy. The consumer’s impression is categorized as good and bad. Result: overall, 74.5% of consumers had a good impression about the pharmacy although pharmaceutical care they obtained had not yet complied with the community pharmacy standard. In three cities (Jakarta, Yogyakarta, and Makassar), pharmacy services and pharmaceutical care were still based on drug-oriented, and had not yet based on patient/consumer oriented. Pharmaceutical care which fulfilled the community pharmacy standard (such as drug information provided by pharmacist, counseling, medicine use monitoring and treatment evaluation, health promotion and education for patients), had not yet turn out to be a reason for consumers’ preference of a pharmacy

    Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Kepuasan Pasien Rawat Jalan dan Rawat Inap di Puskesmas (Analisa Data Skrt 2004)

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    Pola Pembiayaan Obat di 10 Kabupaten/kota di Indonesia (Pattern Of Drug Financing In Ten Districts In Indonesia)

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    Background: Since decentralization era the health budgets including drug budget has been allocated into the development regional budget through formula-based DAU, based on regional revenues and fiscal needs. Health budget is included in DAU, though not explicitly stated. Therefore the health sector practically has to strive for their own budget in every province or every district. This is a new kind of phenomenon for regional governments especially related to the health sector. They should have strategic plan in financing while competing with other sectors to obtain it. Drug consumption in Indonesia is lower than in other ASEAN countries. To ensure access to drugs in primary heath care, the government (Ditjen Bina Farmasi dan Alkes) in the mid-year of 2003 in collaboration with WHO has facilitated a meeting among districts. This meeting leads to an agreement that the regional government should allocate Rp5.000,00 per capita annually for drug budget. Methods: A cross sectional descriptive study was done in ten districts in Indonesia in the year of 2006 on how far the realization of the district agreement of drug budget allocation, particularly in relation with improving drug access issues. District Health Office and Drug Management Unit were taken as samples and data were collected by structured interviews. Results: 1) Drug budget for most districts/cities is still less than Rp5.000,00 per capita per annum so that it can be assumed a shortage in terms of kind of, as well as, quantity of drugs. 2) Some districts showed an increase in drug budget, while the other ones showed just the opposite. 3) Not all districts had all essential and/or generic drug procurement. Conclusion: We suggest more intensive socializations for drug financing to districts in order to improve the commitment to the agreement on the allocation of drug budget and, secondly, a better technical training with topics: planning, advocacy and negotiation with relevant stakeholders